A dark, evil ideology has descended over the world. We are facing a many tenacle global coup d’état that involves the United Nations Agenda 2030, the World Health Organization, the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund, the European Central Bank, the U.S. CIA/State Department/Defense Department globalist cabal, and the World Economic Forum.
These malevolent forces are willing to manipulate and lie about a pandemic that was a bad flu and a vaccine that does not prevent the disease while genetically modifying the DNA that God bestowed upon us.
Under the banner of “saving the planet,” these Satanic forces are willing to deprive the modern industrial state of the available hydrocarbon energy needed to sustain the world’s more than 8 billion inhabitants. Willing to create wars, diseases, and starvation, this globalist cult is at its core a depopulationists movement. The criminal handling of the pandemic first and the green agenda later unequivocally demonstrates a willingness to implement a plan to decimate the world’s population, as theorized by the leading proponents and funders of the Great Reset.
As already recalled by the historic appeal of an important prelate, formerly Nuncio to the United States of America, ” by Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò, we are fighting a spiritual battle, not just a political or economic one:
This global coup d’état must be denounced, and those responsible must be tried and judged by an international court. But above all, it is necessary for all of us to understand that this all-out war against humanity is not motivated only by the lust for wealth and power, but mainly by a religious motive – a theological reason. This reason is Satan’s hatred: hatred of God, hatred of God’s Creation, and hatred of man, who is created in the Image and Likeness of God. Bill Gates, Klaus Schwab, George Soros, and the hundreds of servants whom they blackmail in governments all hate God. They hate life, which only God can give. They hate love, which comes only from God. They hate peace, which can reign only where Christ reigns. As Tucker Carlson said a few days ago, we are facing people who serve Satan and the demons of hell, just as normal people worship and serve God.1
1 Message of Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò to the participants of the “Medical Doctors for Covid Ethics International” Zoom Meeting, January 2, 2024.
Peoples of nations that call themselves “democratic” have not only not been consulted by their rulers, but that on the contrary, they are treated as subjects and silenced, or even subjected to censure and imprisonment as soon as they express dissent.
have established a 501(c)3 organization God’s Five Stones to educate Christians on the the globalist plan to utilize mass surveillance technology and refined psychological techniques to create a deep state-controlled New World Order totalitarian government.
We have created a website, https://www.godsfivestones.com/, and assembling an international advisory panel consisting of prominent, well-known, and well-respected individuals to join the world-wide protests farmers and ordinary citizens are forming in Europe to protest the depopulationists’ war on humanity.
At stake is the freedom of ourselves, our children, and our grandchildren should the transhumanist elite succeed in controlling the “useless masses” with their artificial intelligence (AI)-assisted robots and machines.
God’s Five Stones 501(c)3 plans to launch a multi-language Internet “mouth of truth” platform, as well as other important educational projects to create citizen networks in which all the witnesses of crimes and offenses during the pandemic (especially doctors and nurses) will be able to denounce what they have seen and seek legal protection from a team God’s Five Stones’ lawyers.
Assemble a speakers and writers bureau with the following goals
Initial Funding Goal: $500,000
The funding will be used to create a website capable of receiving donations. We will mobilize an international team of attorneys willing to develop on a contingent fee basis class action lawsuits in national and international courts. At first, we will hire a minimum staff to maintain God’s Five Stones virtual office to maintain the website and interact with content contributors, as well as coordinating the efforts of God’s Five Stones subject matter experts and committed legal counsel. We will reach out internationally to establish God’s Five Stones affiliates in as many countries around the world as possible.